Wednesday, April 26, 2023

5 Succesful Tips For Quitting Alcohol Addiction

Quit alcohol medicine

Quitting an alcohol addiction can be a bumpy road, but it is not impossible. As Audrey Hepburn said, "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!". The simple direction of this quote is that if committed, anyone cannot only achieve whatever they want, but they can also achieve impossible things as well.

There are scores of ways you can try to kick your habit of drinking booze every day. For example, you can take quit alcohol medicine or practice consistent self-care. In today’s article, we will share 5 successful tips for quitting alcohol addiction. These tips would be enormously beneficial for you, irrespective of your goal.

Tips for Quitting Alcohol Addiction

Keep Alcohol Health Effects in Mind

Whether you drink moderately or heavily, alcohol can leave you groggy and foggy or make you feel hungover. Other than that, there are other health effects you might encounter, such as:


  • Lack of sleep

  • digestive problems

  • A problem remembering something

  • increased anxiety, depression, and irritability

  • disagreements and other conflicts with loved ones.


All these health effects must be remembered by anyone who wants to quit drinking. Just keep these health effects in mind before touching alcohol, and your subconscious mind will automatically alarm you about alcohol.

Talk About Your Decision 

Let your friends, family, and acquaintances know that you have pledged not to touch alcohol, and then see the magic. Even if you did want to take one little sip, this commitment of yours in front of others, would not let you.

Furthermore, if you announce this decision in front of your friends and loved ones, they will definitely try to help you overcome your addiction faster.

Join Community

In the age of the internet, finding a community with the same goals and ambitions is not hard. Anyone who wants to achieve something can easily find a better community with the same goals online or offline.

If your goal is to eradicate your addiction completely, then you can meet various people online who are also addicts and want to get rid of their addiction. The more support you have from others, the sooner you can eradicate your addiction.

Just involve yourself with these people as they can support each other in quitting their addiction.

Try Addiction Killer Medicine

Never listen to those who say that medicine is a waste of time. There are scores of Ayurvedic scholars who suggest addiction killer liquid, an Ayurvedic medicine that is made up of pure Ayurvedic herbs.


This quit alcohol medicine is certified by the Ministry of Ayush, and it has cured lakhs of addicts worldwide. It is made under the special care and supervision of Ayurvedic veterans, so do not worry, this medicine is perfectly safe.


Addiction Killer, which is available on Nirogayurved, assists you in effectively quitting your addiction.

It's Time For Self-Care

Quitting alcohol would be impossible if you do not look for yourself. Good self-care practices are one way to robust one’s decision to achieve something.


From improving physical health to mental health, you should prioritize your wellness first. Try to do more physical workouts and practice meditation for mental peace.

Furthermore, busy yourself with any kind of work, because it can distract your mind from alcohol, thus giving you more power to defeat this alcohol addiction. Importantly, never left yourself alone anywhere, as this can pull your mind towards alcohol more.

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Best Ayurvedic Periods Pain Management Solutions

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Best Ayurvedic Periods Pain Management Solutions


Period pain is experienced by not every woman but many women. It is a really tough time for any woman who experiences it. She is not able to focus on her work or daily life, and work. Pain can be mild to severe and whoever goes through it, suffers a lot. In these situations, women are tempted to buy over-the-counter period pain relief tablets.

Though, one can get relief for some time, but there can be a series of side effects which may be like:

1. Constipation.

2. Acid reflux.

3. Diarrhea

4. And several more health issues.

The period is not normal pain that every woman goes through. It should not be considered to be a normal phase during menstruation.

Causes of periods Pain

1.  Liver problem: it occurs when the liver is not functioning well. It is not producing enough blood or the blood-flowing channels connected with the uterus have become blocked.

2.  Fibroids in uterus channels: It is in form of non-cancerous cell growth in the uterus channels.

3.  Hardening of the uterine lining: It occurs and after that it breaks down during the menstrual cycle. It makes the woman suffer from severe menstrual pain or cramps.

4.  Cervical issue: It is the opening of the cervix that can be very small and that do not let the uterus function normally.

The consequences of periods pain are :

1.  Infertility issues

2.  Abnormal pregnancy like the egg getting fertilized outside the uterus. It is known to be an ectopic pregnancy.

3.  Scar in your fallopian tubes.

Possible remedies for periods or infertility

Ayurvedic medicine has been proving quite effective in healing different chronic disorders.  There are home-based remedies that really work in the process of managing period’s pain and infertility issues in women.

1.  Using ginger with lemon, water, and honey while preparing tea and drinking it is one of the suitable period pain relief tablets. It will help in managing periods, reduce the chances of infertility and reverse the menstrual cramps.

2.  Carrot kanji is prepared along with the ingredients like 1 teaspoon each of fennel seeds powder, mustard powder, chilly powder and jeera powder along with 1 bowl of black or regular orange carrot slices and 1 bowl of beetroot slices. All these ingredients must be added to the potful of water and can be kept in the sunlight. The sunlight must be comfortable to ferment the ingredients and make powerful ayurvedic medicine for menstrual pain. It will help in regulating blood flow and reducing the periods pain.

3. Naari jeevan jyoti is a well-studied ayurvedic formulation made from lodhra, Ashoka, Shatavari, udumber, and vajata to boost recovery in the following ways:

1.  It removes the blockage in the channels connecting with the uterus.

2.  It eases the passage of discharge of blood through the cervix.

3.  It reduces obesity.

4.  It brings relief from menstrual cramps and balances hormones.

5.  It boosts libido and brings relief from stress.

6.  It balances all the doshas.

7.  It does not cause any side effects.

In these natural ways, women can gain control over menstrual cramps and manage infertility.

Monday, March 27, 2023


Best ayurvedic medicine for piles - Dr. Piles Free

Knowledge of  Ayurveda has been around for centuries. Unlike conventional medicine, the Ayurvedic approach to treating piles is more holistic. Ayurvedic medicine is just a part of the equation; one also needs to change their lifestyle and diet. Ayurvedic medicine is to cure the disease permanently and to lead a healthier life.

Ayurveda offers several options for treating piles.

By taking advantage of in-depth knowledge, Nirogayurved has come up with the best ayurvedic medicine for piles - Dr. Piles Free.

What is Piles?

What is piles?

Piles also known as Hemorrhoids, are collections of inflamed tissue in the anal canal. They contain blood vessels, muscles, and elastic fibers. The size of piles varies and they are found inside and outside the rectum. Piles are very common and both men and women suffer from them.

Symptoms of Piles

  1. A lump containing blood may be felt around the anus.
  2. After passing the stool, a person with piles may experience fullness in their bowels.
  3. Blood may be visible after passing the stool.
  4. Passing stool can be painful.
  5. Appetite may be decreased.
  6. Gastric obstruction can also occur.
  7. Anemia
  8. Diarrhea
  9. Itchy, red, and sore sensations may occur around the anus.

What are Fissures

An Anal fissure is a tear in the lining anal canal. Fissures can be painful and may bleed as well.

Symptoms of an Anal fissure

  1. Bowel movement pain.
  2. An unpleasant feeling after bowel movements that can last several hours.
  3. The skin around the anus shows a visible crack.
  4. Bright red blood on the stool
  5. The skin near the anal fissure has a small lump.

Difference between Piles and Fissure

Piles are swollen blood vessels, whereas fissures are cracks in the skin. In contrast to fissures, piles are usually painless and undetectable.

Allopathy v/s Ayurveda

Allopathy and Ayurveda.

As opposed to allopathy, Ayurveda focuses on the whole person rather than just the symptoms of the disease. 

A variety of harmful side effects may occur as a result of allopathy treatment, including severe drug allergies. Allopathy's surgical procedures have failed to produce satisfactory cures due to postoperative complications such as painful recurrences of piles and therefore there are no permanent cures.

As per Ayurveda, the five elements of nature are embodied in the body as three components (doshas) called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each of these doshas corresponds to specific elements and functions of the body. As per Ayurvedic philosophy, each individual has a unique balance of these three doshas, and the objective of treatment is to restore that balance.

Types of Piles according to doshas:

People with Pitta dosha have inflamed or bleeding hemorrhoids, which are generally tender and red. Symptoms include fever, diarrhea, and thirst.

People with Vata dosha experience severe pain and constipation, as well as black hemorrhoids with a rough texture.

People with Kapha dosha experience indigestion and soft, large hemorrhoids.

Dr. Piles Free is the best ayurvedic medicine for piles and fissures

  1. Dr. Piles Free comes in three parts: Oil, Powder, and Capsules. 
  2. Oil reduces inflammation and swelling around the anus.
  3. Powder improves digestion 
  4. Capsules balance the doshas and eliminate piles symptoms.

Dr. Piles Free- The best ayurvedic medicine for piles is formulated with the following ayurvedic herbs:

  1. Tamara Bhasma: Relieves constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.
  2. Kutaj: Heals bleeding piles by shrinking blood vessels around the anal or rectum area.
  3. Nag Keshar: Reduces pile lumps, decreases inflammation, and heals bleeding
  4. Vidangana: Its Vata-balancing properties aid in the treatment of piles.

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Monday, March 6, 2023

What are the causes of piles and its treatment in ayurveda?

Best ayurvedic medicine for piles - Dr. Piles Free

Ever since the evolution of mankind, man has been affected with hemorrhoids that may be in the form of piles, fissures and fistula.  It has been known to cause bleeding, inflammation, burning, swelling of the tissues or lump forming near or in the inner part of the anal area. It not only causes physical discomfort but it also drains mental energy as well.

It has been discussed in the books of ayurveda and termed as Arshas. It makes the person suffer a lot due to fleshy lump, stool hardening, blood clotting, and bleeding from guda or anal passage.

Causes of hemorrhoids

1)  Biological factor: It relates to passing on the problem of hemorrhoids from parents to children. In some cases, people may inherit this chronic disease from other blood relations as well.

2)  Poor diet : Low fiber diet is another reason contributing to hemorrhoids or any anal disorder.

A non-vegetarian diet consisting of red meat, drinking tea, coffee and alcohol hardens and enlarges the stool and that makes the person difficult to discharge. Lack of green leafy vegetables, wholegrain, lentils and water in the diet will have negative impact on the bowel movement. It thus builds pressure on the veins connecting with anal area.

3)  Sitting and straining in the toilet seat:  Staying in seated condition in the toilet seat and straining for a long time does enlarge the veins connected with the anal area, tend to bleed and cause wound.

4) Lack of exercise: lack of mobility and sedentary habits also make the person’s bowel movement difficult, causing constipation and hemorrhoids. Because, sitting for long hours with limited activities will not let the food be digested easily and so cause obesity or deposition of unhealthy fats.

Consequences of neglecting piles or hemorrhoids and going without any treatment will lead to :

a)  Causing loss of blood and deficiency of nutrients in the body. It thus leads to anemia.

b)  Blood clotting and painful swelling near the anal area.

c)  Enlarged pile of mass coming out of the anal area and not going away easily.

d)  Bacterial and fungal infection along with abscess.

Types of hemorrhoids or piles

Best ayurvedic medicine for piles - Dr. Piles Free

Depending on the swollen tissues existing in inner or outer side of the anal wall, piles or hemorrhoids are classified in to:

a)  Internal hemorrhoids

b)  External hemorrhoids

As per ayurveda, arsha or hemorrhoids are categorized in to

a)  Bleeding or Sravi

b)  Non Bleeding or Shushka

Which is the best ayurvedic medicine for piles?

a) Using aloe vera orally and also for consumption:  As per Nirogayurved, it is the best ayurvedic medicine for piles.

Topical application of aloe vera gel along with two to 3 drops of lavender or coconut oil will:

a)  Heal the wound and stop blood clotting.

b)  Control inflammation, itching, pain and swelling.

c)  Reduce bleeding.

d)  Cause lubrication.

e)  Stimulate smooth stool discharge.

Drinking aloe vera juice by mixing it with juice from other fruit extracts like oranges, green apples and grapes will show highly effective results in:

a)  Controlling inflammation, pain and swelling.

b)  Stopping itching.

c)  Healing constipation.

d)  Removing toxins and improving digestion

e)  Relieving from stress and anxiety.

b) Dr.Piles Free capsule:  Researchers have tested and validated on different people suffering from piles. It has been termed as the best tablet for piles in India. There is oil and powder also in the ayurvedic pack. This entire pack has proven to be the best ayurvedic medicine for piles and fissures due to :

a) Its unique ayurvedic composition. It is made from 25 anti-inflammatory, astringent and astringent herbs. Major herbs are nag kesar, esabgol, harar, tamra bhasma and bhui aamla, etc.

b) Healing the wound, controlling blood clot and repairing the anal canal.

c) Stopping constipation.

d) Easing stool discharge.

e) Causing lubrication in the anal area.

f) Cleansing toxins and stimulating healthy intestines.

g) Not causing any side effects.

c) Malasana yoga pose: In other words, it is known as squatting posture. It is known to be another effective piles ayurvedic medicine. Steps are quite easier to follow and be practiced 2 to 3 times a day.

a) Standing and keeping your legs apart.

b) Bending on your knees.

c) Sitting down without touching the ground.

Benefits of malasana are:

a)  Increase the flexibility in the area of hips and other parts of the body.

b)  Controlling constipation.

c)  Easing defecation.

Instead of going to western toilets, preferring squat toilets always will minimize the chances of causing constipation and hemorrhoids.

So, with any type of piles ayurvedic treatment mentioned above, one can experience 100% recovery from constipation, piles, and any anal disorder.

Read Our Other BlogWhich is the best Ayurvedic medicine for piles?

Monday, January 23, 2023

Which is the best Ayurvedic medicine for piles?

The best ayurvedic medicine for piles must have the characteristics of curing this health issue called hemorrhoids most effectively and without causing any kind of side effects. However, you will hardly find any such medicines on the market with such qualities. Today’s world is rotten, and many companies will do anything in order to gain profits. These companies sell you their chemically contaminated products in the camouflage of the best ayurvedic medicine for piles.

Now, if you cannot trust these companies, the question is: whom should you trust? You should never forget that even in the darkest fog, you can find a little ray of hope. There are still some clean corners left in this medicine market, and in these corners, you can find the best tablet for piles in India.

Which piles free capsule should you trust?

Dr. piles free is the medicine that we want you to put your faith in. As we mentioned earlier, this medicine is the hope that you are looking for. This medicine is particularly designed for curing bleeding, non-bleeding as well as fissures and fistulas.

This piles ayurvedic medicine is an all-rounder that can give you relief from your piles in a short period of time. Listed on Nirogayurved, this product is one of the best-selling piles ayurvedic treatment.

What is so special about this Ayurvedic medicine for Piles?

When it comes to this product’s specialty, we would say that this piles ayurvedic treatment is the best cure for your hemorrhoids. From giving you relief to curing your piles permanently, this ayurvedic treatment can gift you the life you have always wanted for yourself.


Dr. Piles Free is a laxative and anti-inflammatory combination of natural herbs. This medicine is so good that even the government of India finds it the best ayurvedic medicine for piles and fissures. Accredited by the Ministry of Ayush, this herbal cure is the perfect blended mixture to cure your fissure.


Vidanga, Tamra Bhasam, Kutaj, and Nag Kesar—such ayurvedic herbs—are perfectly blended in this ayurvedic medicine for piles. These herbs are the epitome of greatness and are known for curing many diseases naturally. If these herbs are presented in Dr. Piles Free, then it is obvious that this medicine is the perfect one.

Not only piles but this medicine can also cure other complications such as constipation, strangulation, anemia, and blood clots. Dr. Piles Free is one of the most famous and best ayurvedic medicines for piles that can cure your disease in the fastest way possible. Even though this product is available at many online stores, we still recommend you buy it from Nirogayurved because, on this website, you can get heavy discounts on Dr. Piles Free.

Top 5 Drinks For Reducing Periods Cramp

Menstrual cycle is a natural phenomenon which is bound to happen to any woman starting from the age of 12 or 13 or little earlier than this,...