Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Top 5 Drinks For Reducing Periods Cramp

Menstrual cycle is a natural phenomenon which is bound to happen to any woman starting from the age of 12 or 13 or little earlier than this, that is at the age of 9 and 10. To overcome the problem of menstrual cramps during the menstrual period, several women are prone towards taking period pain relief tablets. It is necessary to get confirmation from the specialist for taking any prescription medicine.

One can experience better results with the support of ayurvedic medicine for menstrual pain like :
Reducing the vata dosha.
Reducing the muscle contractions in the uterine area.
Clearing the blockage existing in any part of the reproductive area.
In the form of herbal tea made from the combination of cumin, coriander and fennel, mint or ajjwain tea.

There are top five drinks that really do wonder in the process of healing menstrual cramps

1. Pineapple juice : Add pineapple pieces into the blender with water and make juice. It will be effective during the menstrual cycle to recover from the cramps. It improves the flow of blood and strengthens the immune system. 

2. Turmeric tamarind drink: Firstly boil turmeric with water and add tamarind leaves until such leaves get dissolved. 

3. Ginger water : Boiling the water along with the ginger slices, straining and drinking will relieve menstrual cramps in a natural way. 

4. Warm Water :  Drinking warm water will bring relief from the contractions in the muscles and let your body suffer from dehydration and stress. 

5. Chamomile tea : As termed as baboone ka phool in Hindi, you can prepare tea using the chamomile flower to calm down the mood swings and pain during the menstruation.

Not causing any side effects. 

Menstrual cramps are likely to occur to teenage females and even adult females and it can be due to : 
  1. Contraction of uterine muscles or tissues growing outside the uterus.
  2. Hormonal imbalance in the female body.
  3. Genetic reasons.
  4. Stress and irregularity in the lifestyle.

Effects of menstrual cramps

  1. Interfering with your daily schedule of work and study. Lower abdominal pain may not let you do your studies properly.
  2. Menstrual cramps often lead to causing infertility issues. You may not be able to conceive even after undergoing one year of successful intercourse sessions.

Other Treatments For Menstrual Cramps or Infertility 

1) IVF 

In such situations, you may opt for IVF treatment that can :
  1. Be expensive.
  2. Fertility chances may vary from one case to another.
  3. Be increasing chances of medical complications.
However, if you have still planned to go for IVF, you must have a nutritious meal rich in wholegrains, lentils, fruits and vegetables and drink enough water and do physical exercise. It will balance menstrual hormones and improve the quality of your eggs.

2) Naari Jeevan Jyoti

It is made from different powerful herbs for restoring fertility in a natural way. The capsules present in the bottle are applicable for women of all ages. Ingredients in these ayurvedic periods pain relief tablets explains about  :
  1. Ashok : It has anti-inflammatory properties to reduce pain and excess bleeding. 
  2. Aloe Vera : It helps in minimizing the contractions in the uterus and regulates blood flow. 
  3. Lodhra : It helps in purification of blood and revitalizing the health condition of the uterus and makes the woman feel better and fresh and so free from stress. 
  4. Salai Guggal: It is known for stimulating the menstrual flow without pain and stress.

3) Essential oils blends

It functions as a powerful ayurvedic medicine for period pain. It is made from lavender, sage and marjoram and used for massaging in the abdomen to balance the hormones in the females and relieves them from menstrual pain. 

To know easy treatments concerning infertility and menstrual disorders, you can get in touch with experts of Nirogayurved.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Top 5 Best Remedies For Menstrual Cramp

period pain relief tablets, naari jeevan jyoti, home remedies for menstrual cramp

Period pain can be unbearable to manage without proper medication, diet control, and good lifestyle habits. Most of us usually reach out to allopathic doctors for their prescription support. However, the period pain relief tablets made from ayurvedic herbs are far more powerful and long lasting with the effects like:

1) Effective revitalizing and rejuvenating activities.

2) Hormonal balance.

3) Regular menstrual cycle.

4) Promoting balance of vata, pitta, and Kapha.

5) Strengthening of the intestinal gut.

6) Stimulating timely ovulation and increasing the chances of conceiving naturally.

7) Not causing any side effects.

Period pain or menstrual cramps are the result of the onset of the menstrual cycle. It is quite common among women and considered quite normal.

Causes of menstrual cramps

1) Formation of endometrium tissue outside the uterus including the fallopian tube and ovary.

2) Problem of adenomyosis tissue found deep inside the uterine wall. It really does hurt a lot during physical intercourse or during the menstrual cycle. It leads to menstrual cramps.

3) Development of ovarian cysts which are actually fluid filled tissues.

4) Growth fibroids outside the uterine wall.

5) Using birth control measures can also result in heavy bleeding and menstrual cramps.

6) Growth of hormone-like fatty acids leading to uterine contractions. It causes suppression of blood vessels and stops the flow of oxygen to the uterus. And the outcome is painful bleeding during the menstrual cycle.

Successful remedies for menstrual cramps

Here are simple ways for reducing menstrual cramps.

1) Following a healthy diet: It is selecting and eating vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. Examples are nuts, seeds, legumes, cauliflower, kale, spinach, asparagus, and oranges. Such fruits and vegetables can remove the problem of menstrual pain successfully. Rather these dietary items will help in balancing hormonal activities and regulating periods.

2) Using any ayurvedic medicine for menstrual pain: There are different herbs available in tablet form. It is the combination of Ashok, Lodhra, Shatavari, and Aloe vera which can be helpful in the form of Naari Jeevan Jyoti.

Benefits associated with these ayurvedic tablets are:

1) Boosting hormonal balance.

2) Cleansing uterine wall, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

3) Boosting the flow of oxygen in the blood and vital organs of the female reproductive cycle.

4) Normalizing the menstrual flow.

5) Eliminating pain and stress.

6) Increase fertility and conception chances naturally.

7) No side effects.

It has proven highly helpful for many women who had been struggling with getting pregnant with the help of expensive IVF and failed anyhow.

3) Applying heat as another ayurvedic medicine for periods pain: It does help in the relaxation of muscles and relief from abdominal pain during the menstrual cramps. Applying a hot water bag or soaking in hot water for 10 to 15 minutes can bring relief from painful periods.

4) Soaking methi seeds in a glass of water:  Use one spoonful of methi seeds in the glass of water and keep it overnight. And then consuming methi seeds along with the water the next day will reduce the menstrual cramps and control infertility issues naturally.

5) Yoga: There are two simple mudras for PCOS. One of them is Shakti mudra and Surya mudra. These two mudras can be practiced during the menstrual cycle. However, you must keep your hands loose and maintain yourself in a relaxed mood.

Shakti mudra : Method for performing shakti mudra

1) Cover the first two fingers over the thumbs of the hands.

2) Thumbs should be touching the tip of the little finger.

3) Joining the middle and index fingers of one hand with another.

Surya mudra : Steps for this mudra

1) Keep your palms on the thighs and fold the ring finger.

2) Resting the thumb next to the nail of the ring finger.

Contacting Nirogayurved will help you to get information of more easy remedies for managing menstrual cramps.

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Top 5 Drinks For Reducing Periods Cramp

Menstrual cycle is a natural phenomenon which is bound to happen to any woman starting from the age of 12 or 13 or little earlier than this,...